This year, I attended the 7th annual Whitehorse Gear Spring Open House. The event, at the Whitehorse Gear headquarters (also home of sister company Whitehorse Press, publisher of my book), draws hundreds of riders from all around New England, the northeastern United States, and Canada. They come for the socializing, the good riding in the area, the free lunch and, not least of all, the shopping for riding gear, books, videos and more in sales-tax-free New Hampshire.
Here are a few of my snapshots from the day.
Visit the Whitehorse Gear website to find out about future Open House events.

Almost everyone showed up on two wheels. A few riders chose three. Some of those vehicles were identifiable, some more obscure.

Not only was the weather perfect, but no natural (or unnatural) disasters marred the event. Nonetheless, trained specialists were on hand to deal with any eventuality, no matter how unlikely.

Of course the best free entertainment at any motorcycle gathering such as this one is wandering around and ogling bikes…

…and that’s true no matter what your age.

Whitehorse serves up a free lunch under the big tent.

After lunch is a good time to watch motorcycles come and go and plan the ride home.

Whitehorse gave away a few copies of my book as door prizes, so I got to sign the books and pose with the winners.

But of course the main attraction is the tax-free shopping. Customers can wander the warehouse, try on the merchandise and get advice from the Whitehorse staff.