For my regular trips from my home office in Bexley, Ohio, to RevZilla HQ in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Turnpike is the expedient route, not the scenic route. A 475-mile day makes for head-down, keep-moving kind of travel, not the preferred sightseeing, spur-of-the-moment detouring, back-road routes that are the motorcycling ideal.
That was especially true of my first trip there, which was also my second annual February motorcycle trip. This past week, I rode to Philadelphia again. Obligations on both ends meant it was still more about getting there and getting home than about enjoying the ride, but the ride is automatically a whole lot more enjoyable when the temperature is in the 70s (going) or 60s (returning) instead of the 40s (going) and 30s (returning). Let these two photos of roadside Pennsylvania farms along the Turnpike do the talking of what a difference 12 weeks make.
February, 2014

May, 2014